In mid October we moved into a new apartment in Lehi. We live right behind the Outlets in Traverse Mountain. It's a 3 bd 2 bath apartment, my two brothers and their friend are living with us. The apartment is huge and has an attached garage which is really nice, especially now that it is snowing. Towards the end of October I started my new job at Cardon Outreach. They had just moved to a new building from Sandy to Draper, so it is much closer to us now that we live in Traverse. I've been working there for 2 months now and I really like it, it's not what i want to do forever, but for now it's a really good job and i love my coworkers. Alexis also started a new daycare in Draper that is very close to my job. This new daycare is still not my favorite but definitely better than the last one. Alexis' daycare teacher is Mexican so she speaks to Alexis in Spanish which is nice and she always tells me that Lexi loves to dance when she plays music and that she's a really good girl at daycare, which makes me happy.
We took Lexi to Cornbelly's again this year. She wasn't as happy about it as she was last year lol but she still had a good time. Here are some pictures:

I made Lexi's costume this year again. I decided on a peacock costume and i made the tutu and the headband and bought her a blue shirt to complete the costume. She loved it and looked so freaking cute. We went trick or treating at Derek's grandma's and Lexi got some good candy. Lexi only got to eat some of the candy, as we don't really like to give her too many sweets. We were going to put her in the Halloween pageant but last minute decided not to; I'm sure Lexi would have won but there is always next time. Here are some pictures from Halloween.

My favorite month! I love November and usually I have a lot going on during but this year November was not too busy. Derek went to Green Bay for a Packers game and I was so very jealous! Being a Green Bay fan all my life I haven't been to Lambeau yet but lucky Derek got to go on a work trip. That weekend he was gone was my fist weekend off in a long time since I am still working at Olive Garden on the weekends and certain nights a week. It was nice to have a girls weekend with Lexi. Derek bought me a cute little badger from the University of Wisconsin, my favorite animal is a badger :) he went to a football game at the University of Wisconsin, he also bought Lexi a cheese head!

This month has been a busy month. Alexis had the year end finals pageant but we've been so busy we decided not to do it. I've been working a ton this month and planning for Christmas. I had my work Christmas Party last week, my company rented out a movie theater and we had an ice cream social where they gave out some awards and everyone got to watch a movie; I didn't stay for the movie since Derek had his work party that same night. We had another unofficial Christmas party at a bar downtown on Friday, that was fun to get to hang out with my coworkers outside of work. We had our Christmas pictures taken on Friday and we decided to go with Purple as our colors; I know purple is hardly a Christmas color but Derek picked out a purple sweater so we decided to go with that. We decided not to send out Christmas cards this year, but here are some of our Christmas pictures.

We have our tree with our color coordinating purple ornaments with all of Alexis' gifts under the tree. Derek and I didn't get each other any gifts since we both got the new iPhone, but we did do our stockings as well as Alexis'. I got Alexis a Minnie Mouse ornament since Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Minnie's Boutique have been her favorite shows this year. Here are some pictures:

I don't work today or tomorrow at Cardon but i do work tonight at OG, but we close early so hopefully it won't be too bad. I am excited for Lexi to open her gifts :) We let her open one gift at midnight and the rest she will open tomorrow morning. She gets to open her pajamas tonight, I hope she likes them :) We always go to the movies on Christmas Day so we're going to watch The Wolf of Wall Street, those of you that know me know I love Leo and Scorsese :) I will be sure to blog more regularly. Merry Christmas!
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