This month feels like it has been packed with so much so I figured it's time for an update.
I've been meaning to blog about Disneyland, it was so fun, I can't wait to go back! We headed down to Southern California the first weekend in May. My dad had his wedding reception on May 3rd. We had a blast there were so many people there, I didn't realize my dad knew so many people lol. They had a jumper for the kids which was kind of random but it was a relaxed backyard sort of reception. Lexi and Harlow had a blast in the jumper and running around. There was a dog there that Lexi was absolutely obsessed with; If I wasn't convinced before that she needs a dog I definitely am now. I met my dad's wife for the first time and she was so sweet and he was so happy. I am so happy for him and so glad that I got to be a part of their day.

I have some more pictures but not on this computer so I will have to add them later.
Sunday we headed out to Northern Los Angeles and drove around the different areas. It is no secret that I want to move back to California. I am a California girl and could never see myself making roots in Utah. We would love to be able to make a home in Northern Los Angeles and after getting to see the neighborhoods, we were interested in, I am in love. After spending some time in Los Angeles we headed to Orange County. We stayed right down the street from Disneyland. Derek and I had stayed at the same hotel almost 6 years ago, not too soon after we started dating, we went to Disneyland with some of his friends. We settled in at the hotel and I met up with my best friends, Kathy and Mags, we headed to Downtown Disney and had some dinner and drinks and got to catch up. It was so fun to catch up and reminds me of how much I want to be back home.

Best Friends!
Monday we headed to Disneyland pretty soon after opening. I had Lexi's Bibbiddi Bobbiddi Boutique appointment for 10:50 that morning. Alexis did so amazing when she was getting her makeover. I don't know what it was but right after her makeover Lexi became a little diva for the rest of the day lol. We initially were going to do the coach package, which would have included professional photos and meeting the Disney princess', but I decided to cut back on our trip and we went with the castle package. I really wanted to take Lexi to meet Anna and Elsa but it was a 6 hour wait! I felt we should save that for when she gets a little older and it means a little more to her. After Lexi's makeover we headed back to the entrance of the park to meet up with my family. My awesome brother, his girlfriend, my niece, my mom, and my littlest brother all came to the park to help us celebrate Lexi's birthday. We had some photo pass pictures taken but I haven't ordered them yet but I will post that later.

We didn't get to go on too many rides. One thing I learned and will never make the mistake of again is spending just one day at Disneyland with a toddler. One of the June moms I know was there the same day and did a 3 day park hopper and she said that was just about enough time with a toddler. We tried to meet up but unfortunately could not line up our times. Lexi did love the teacups! The Haunted Mansion was interesting; Lexi was just a little scared but the ride kept stalling and we ended up stopping and getting stuck for several minutes at a time. Derek finally got to try the Dole whip, it had been so long, and it was so refreshing. Lexi loved the buzzlight year ride and we had a blast at Space Mountain. My awesome friend Sam who super hooked it up at Disneyland, was working Space Mountain that day :) The stroller passes were really helpful we got to go on while my mom and baby watched Lexi and Harlow and than they got to get on and go straight to the front of the line when we got out.

I made dinner reservations at Tortilla Jo's so we headed to our hotel room to get the cute cupcakes and headed back to Downtown Disney. The food was so yummy and the cupcakes were too. Since it was Cinco De Mayo it was pretty busy and they had a sweet mariachi band playing. Lexi loved them and was doing a lot of dancing. After dinner we bought some Disney merchandise. Lexi loves her Elsa/Anna doll. She also loved her Minnie Mouse ears and her Mickey balloon. Derek's leg was hurting him a bit so he headed back to the hotel room with Lexi and my little brother; The rest of us headed to Disneyland and got on one last ride. My mom and I squeezed into a ride together, she is super skinny, me not so much but it was hilarious and a lot of fun. We headed back to our hotel and Lexi got to open her present from my mom and we called it a night. I was so sad to have to leave Disneyland but I am so looking forward to our next longer trip :)

Tuesday afternoon we headed to Las Vegas. We stayed at the Excalibur since I had a free room; I had never stayed there before and don't necessarily think I would again. The people who work the floor were really annoying and kept trying to get us to go to a time share presentation. The room was ok, we got a free upgrade. We ate dinner at the hotel and called it a night, the next morning we went to breakfast off the strip and came back to the Aria. We walked the strip and had lunch at Caesar's Palace and than headed back to the Aria, did some gambling, bought some dessert and headed home.
For Lexi's birthday I bought her some super cute balloons and we took her to Chuck E Cheese, it was her first time and she loved watching the characters on stage and also had fun playing the games. I remembered their pizza being a lot better but it was fun and she liked it. After pizza we went to Red Mango for some frozen yogurt. Lexi loved the mochi topping on her yogurt, now I have to find a store that sells it ;)
We have so much going on these next few months. It's kind of stressful. One thing I am so excited about is my little brother, baby, yes I still call him that, will be coming out to Utah for the summer! We will be driving down on Saturday, initially we were going to meet up with him in Vegas but decided we would meet up in Mesquite and drive back home that same day. We are going to have my dad drive him up to Mesquite so it won't be too bad of a drive for either of us. He is coming to spend the summer here because he wants to play football, he's starting high school in the fall, and Derek volunteered to help train him and help him with getting in shape and all he needs to know about playing football. Secondly we decided to have him babysit Lexi, since it would give him a chance to make some money while he's out here. So this will be Lexi's last week of daycare, more than likely she will go back there come August since it will be right down the street from her preschool, which I still need to register her for. I am excited for baby to come out here; I plan on having a lot of fun activities for us to do while he is out here.
My birthday is coming up next month. I am excited to be getting my hair done soon :) For July 4th weekend we will be heading to Southern California for Harlow's birthday! Also in August we will be heading down for my cousin David's wedding and to drop baby off. One of my favorite things that we have been doing a lot of on our trips down is getting to stop in Vegas. Even though it's only for a night there is a lot of fun stuff to do and it helps cut the trip short for us.
One thing I am really looking forward to is planning a fun mommy daughter Vegas weekend for me and my mom for her birthday in September. Unfortunately Lexi will not be joining us but I think she'll forgive me ;) My mom doesn't know about the Vegas trip yet, shhh it's a secret.
There is possibly more for me to say but it is bedtime. Goodnight and enjoy!
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