I've been trying to get inspiration for the nursery and I'm loving everything I see. I wish we had our own home so that I could do so much more. I really want a tree mural in the nursery, our apartments let us paint as long as we paint it back to the original color, but painting a mural and putting that much time and detail into something that we'll just have to paint back when we move just doesn't seem worth it. Since we are thinking of moving out at the end of August I'm thinking we can put up one of the sticker art murals instead, they actually look pretty good for being stickers.
I thought I would share some of my inspirations. Since we don't know if we're having a girl or a boy I found girl and boy inspired nurseries, here are some pictures:

I really really want a zoo themed room If we have a boy :)

This room has so much going on it's so cute and I love the cute glider they have.

This is such a classic look and I love how elegant everything looks. I love the neutral colors.

The only thing I really liked about this room was the pretty purple color and the pink on the mural.

This is my ultimate favorite, this is the nursery for Tiffany Thiessen's baby. I love love love the lavender color and the tree wall art is exactly what I want. I also really want that Glider. I don't like rockers so Instead I'm going to get a cute little upholstered glider like the one in this picture. Love!
I'm so in love with the thought of decorating and putting my nursery together :)
I am a sucker for trees!! I almost put one in my current study but decided I should save my tree decal for babies;) My votes are Boy= green and zoo and girl are lavender and white or that white and tan one...something about that is very she-shee and classy for a lil princess.
what the source for the 3rd one down?