I was getting pretty bored with the template I had on my blog, so I decided to change it up. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet; Derek likes it so I think I'm going to keep it for now.
Last week was so exhausting with no sleep and whatnot. For the last 2 nights Alexis has actually been sleeping; The nights before she would fight it and cry. Like I mentioned before, I thought she may have an ear infection again, Derek thinks it's just because she is sick that she couldn't sleep. She had tons of mucus in her throat and she has actually thrown up 4 times. She threw up on Saturday while we were out, luckily we were sitting in the car but I guess also very unlucky because she threw up all over herself, the carseat and also a bit on Derek's back seat. She threw up today during breakfast so I'm thinking it may be a stomach bug that's going around. She has been eating pretty light lately since nothing seems to be sitting well with her; It bums me out because whenever she gets sick like this I know it's affecting her weight gain, because even though she is sick, you wouldn't be able to tell with how happy and active she is.
I'm hoping she feels back to normal by this weekend...because we are going home! [Yes, I do still refer to Southern California as home.] I am so excited to get to see my family for Christmas. I am excited for Christmas in general.
Speaking of Christmas, I finally got the rest of Alexis' Christmas stuff. The only thing I had been waiting on was her ballerina doll for her stocking. After Pottery Barn Kids having it on back order twice they finally sent it. I was so excited until UPS accidentally delivered it to someone else, which they also did with her stocking. Luckily the person on the other street who got the stocking bought it back, we'll same thing happened with the doll but I wasn't so sure the person was going to bring it by, but they did today! I put it in her stocking and now everything is complete :) On kind of the same note, I ordered Alexis her first pair of Tiny Toms :) I wanted to get her these really cute Lacoste shoes but they didn't have her size so I feel in love with these toms. They should be getting here Wednesday if UPS does their job. I even called them today to make sure they don't send it somewhere else.
We did a little bit more Christmas shopping today got the Christmas Presents for my brother and his gf and my little niece Harlow. Now I just need to get my 3 little brothers something. I was surprised at how many people were doing all of their Christmas shopping today. I am so glad we got most all of it done after Thanksgiving.
Now that Christmas is just around the corner I am almost sad that this year is ending. Granted I know that next year we will have so much to look forward to so I am thankful for that, just sad in a way to see the holidays go.
I wanted to say how heartbroken I am about the tragedy in CT that happened this week. I was at work and it was on the TVs in the restaurant and I spent the day having to hold back tears whenever something new surfaced about it. I cannot fathom the thought of having to come home without Alexis, to all of her things and to never see her sweet face again, aside from pictures and videos. No parent should ever have to bury their child. I know how I feel when I think of Alexis' bright future and all the thing she will do and accomplish and I think about these parents who had kids who played sports, instruments, who were so bright and talented and to see that wasted to know that they would never get to experience a full life. I cannot fathom when this happens with adults but with children it's so much harder to comprehend, to take their future away from them and to take the innocence away from those children that witnessed it, is so heart wrenching. I was watching an interview with one of the kid's parents, who survived, and they said that whenever the doorbell rang he was afraid that it was the "bad guy" coming to kill him and that he asked his parents if there were more bad people like him in the world, I broke down and couldn't keep watching.
I know that everyone is either making this a political issue or mental health issue. I really disagree with people making this an issue about guns. If he didn't have access to guns there is no telling that he wouldn't have turned to explosives or any other homemade weapon he could have made. I am also tired of hearing people say that it could have been prevented, had his parents taken him to get help. If what they say is true, and my opinion based on what I've seen, this guy was a sociopath, there is no amount of medication or psychotherapy that can change that. Sociopaths are missing that part of their brain that allows them to tell right and wrong and do not have any sort of conscience. I am also beyond appalled that the media is trying to make a connection to Autism and why he killed all these people. People with Autism, while some are aggressive, they have random spurts of aggression and none of it is premeditated or in anyway calculated. Autism is a social and developmental disorder and someone with this disorder cannot have the ability to premeditate something like this. Sorry for the rant, but I had to put it out there.
I feel like there is more I should say but it's escaping me right now. Oh ya, blogging from an iPad is amazeballs!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Love Online Shopping!
Our Christmas cards got here yesterday and the Calendars got here today! I seriously love online shopping. I heard someone once explain it as a double rush, you get all the excitement of purchasing the item and more excitement when you receive it! I love love love our Christmas cards and we will be sending them out this week :) I also just received the calendars I made for my parents for Christmas. I had never used Shutterfly, but heard so many great things about their Calendars and it's definitely true.
Here are some pictures of the Calendars.
I am so in love with them. Shutterfly didn't have any calendars in Spanish so I wrote all the comments in Spanish but the months and all that are in English. I chose a different template for each of them, something more girly for my mom and more basic pattern for my dad; I did use all the same pictures for both though. I wish Derek and I had made one for ourselves, we will definitely have to. They are really great quality and I got 40% off, can't beat that!
I will also, finally, be expecting Alexis' ballerina doll in the mail. I ordered it weeks ago when I ordered Alexis' stocking and ornament but it had been on back order and Pottery Barn Kids had sent me emails telling me it was going to get to me soon but it never did and after talking to someone 3 different times, it is finally on its way! Alexis' Christmas gifts will finally be complete. Isn't it cute?
I was supposed to do a mommy and me baby ballet class with Alexis come Spring, which is where this whole ballerina theme thing came from, sadly the SLC Ballet is not offering it in the Spring; I was crushed, they offered it in the Fall but for some reason are not offering it in the Spring. I couldn't find a different ballet class that is offered at a time I can go and if I did it was for 2 year olds and up; I want to get Alexis started right away but it looks like we will have to wait and see if they offer it in the Fall. So we found this cool tumbling/gymnastics class offered on Saturdays that we are going to sign up for. I want her to do tumbling and gymnastics as well as ballet so I'm not too bummed, I was just really looking forward to ballet :(
Lexi is sick. I think she may have an ear infection again. I called her pedi's nurse and I think Derek is going to have to take her in tomorrow if she can't sleep through the night again. Getting 2 hours of sleep is not fun. I can't miss work,so daddy is going to have to take care of his little girl.
Oh ya I forgot to mention, Lexi had her picture taken with Santa and she loved it. She really loves the camera. Here is one of the pictures.
Here are some pictures of the Calendars.
I am so in love with them. Shutterfly didn't have any calendars in Spanish so I wrote all the comments in Spanish but the months and all that are in English. I chose a different template for each of them, something more girly for my mom and more basic pattern for my dad; I did use all the same pictures for both though. I wish Derek and I had made one for ourselves, we will definitely have to. They are really great quality and I got 40% off, can't beat that!
I will also, finally, be expecting Alexis' ballerina doll in the mail. I ordered it weeks ago when I ordered Alexis' stocking and ornament but it had been on back order and Pottery Barn Kids had sent me emails telling me it was going to get to me soon but it never did and after talking to someone 3 different times, it is finally on its way! Alexis' Christmas gifts will finally be complete. Isn't it cute?
I was supposed to do a mommy and me baby ballet class with Alexis come Spring, which is where this whole ballerina theme thing came from, sadly the SLC Ballet is not offering it in the Spring; I was crushed, they offered it in the Fall but for some reason are not offering it in the Spring. I couldn't find a different ballet class that is offered at a time I can go and if I did it was for 2 year olds and up; I want to get Alexis started right away but it looks like we will have to wait and see if they offer it in the Fall. So we found this cool tumbling/gymnastics class offered on Saturdays that we are going to sign up for. I want her to do tumbling and gymnastics as well as ballet so I'm not too bummed, I was just really looking forward to ballet :(
Lexi is sick. I think she may have an ear infection again. I called her pedi's nurse and I think Derek is going to have to take her in tomorrow if she can't sleep through the night again. Getting 2 hours of sleep is not fun. I can't miss work,so daddy is going to have to take care of his little girl.
Oh ya I forgot to mention, Lexi had her picture taken with Santa and she loved it. She really loves the camera. Here is one of the pictures.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Christmas Pictures
We had our Christmas pictures taken on Monday. I was so excited to put Alexis in her beautiful little dress :) We went to Camera Shy in Lehi and they were great. I personally like having pictures taken on location, and they do that as well, but for the price we decided to do it in the studio and it was really nice.
I don't like the way I looked but I OMG Alexis looks gorgeous, as she always does ;) I think Derek looked good as well, just not me lol. I didn't post all of them on Facebook so I will post a couple more on here than what I actually put on Facebook. Enjoy :)
We're going to get our Christmas cards out soon, now that we have our pictures :) Alexis loved the camera she is such a model :)
I just wanted to post these on here before I forgot. That is all for today! Enjoy!
P.S. When Derek picked up Alexis from daycare they told him that she was flirting with the boys in the classroom, chasing them and hugging them trying to kiss them lol She is sassy like her mommy ;) love it!
I don't like the way I looked but I OMG Alexis looks gorgeous, as she always does ;) I think Derek looked good as well, just not me lol. I didn't post all of them on Facebook so I will post a couple more on here than what I actually put on Facebook. Enjoy :)
We're going to get our Christmas cards out soon, now that we have our pictures :) Alexis loved the camera she is such a model :)
I just wanted to post these on here before I forgot. That is all for today! Enjoy!
P.S. When Derek picked up Alexis from daycare they told him that she was flirting with the boys in the classroom, chasing them and hugging them trying to kiss them lol She is sassy like her mommy ;) love it!
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