Alexis was supposed to have her 2 year appointment back in May but because back in March Derek and I had both changed jobs his insurance took 90 days to kick in so we had to push her appointment back a little. Dr. Nagle was out of the office this week and didn't have any appointments until August but we got another pediatrician there to squeeze us in yesterday :)
Alexis came in at 23 lbs and her height is 32 1/4". She is obviously still on the small side: 3rd percentile for weight and 7th percentile for height. Of course her weight has always been a concern for me; I constantly feel like she is too small. I am so thankful that she has had such amazing pediatricians; Dr. Blackburn let me know that aslong as she is eating healthy foods and is growing at her own rate, which she is, that if anything we are lucky that she is so small, since so many kids now are overweight that of course in comparison Lexi looks really small. Anyone can attest to how much Lexi eats, she is just so active that she burns it off. I didn't realize the average weight for a 2 year old is only 27 lbs, so she is really not that far off. He said that Lexi will probably be 5'4 so she will be small, but I'm 5'4 and I think that is a perfect height for a girl ;) I kept thinking she was going to be much shorter but he seems to think that will be how tall she ends up being. She has great eye contact and reflexes and she is perfectly healthy. She got 1 shot and won't need anymore until she goes into kindergarten :) She also won't need another visit until she's 3!
That is all for now :)
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Past Couple of Weeks
The past couple of weeks have been busy. On the 7th we headed to Las Vegas just for a couple of hours. We were picking up my brother's friend who was moving out to Utah; He happened to be in Vegas that day so we planned to drive down to pick him up. It just so happened that my friend Michelle was going to be in Vegas that weekend so of course I was excited to meet up with her. We got to Vegas at around 4pm, it was sooo hot atleast 110 degrees. We picked up my brother's friend at New York, New York and headed to Encore to meet up with Chelle. We stayed at the Wynn for my 21st Birthday, they were building Encore when we were there so I had never been. Encore is very similar to the Wynn and was just as beautiful; We meet up with Chelle and ate at a cafe there. It was nice to catch up since I hadn't seen her since right after Alexis was born when we went down to San Francisco. Alexis was being a little diva, the first 10 minutes we were there I had a least a dozen people come up and tell us how cute she was or just plain staring lol, she does love the attention. After our yummy lunch, Chelle had to go back to her hotel so we said our goodbyes and my brother and his friend meet up with us and watched Lexi for us while we gambled a little ;) We played the slots and didn't make any money on the first couple of times but we decided to give it one last chance. I found a slot machine and put in $3 and two vouchers for like 10 and 17 cents and we won $44 dollars! It was a nice little trip :)
This past Saturday we had Alexis' first pageant. The pageant was through Beehive Beauties and it was their American Summer pageant which is an all natural beauty pageant. I'm not into the whole make up thing so I was happy about that. There was a beachwear and themewear segment; For the beachwear we went with a pink bathing suit that had a little tutu on it, she wore pink and green flip flops and her sunglasses I put here hair in pony tails. For the formal wear segment the dress has to be red, white, and blue so we found this cute dress at Gymboree, she wore her white sandals, and I ordered a red, white, and blue headband from etsy with a little rhinestone piece in the middle. This being Lexi's first pageant I was obviously new to everything well you can pay for just the basic entry or you can add or buy a package with additional options, for example they have a program that you can buy and they have a front cover, back cover winner, calendar girl, themewear photo, etc. So if you want you can pay and submit a picture for those and if she wins they put her picture in the program, aside from the picture they already put in, and you get a trophy for that. We decided not to enter her into all of those because it can get expensive and since this was her first pageant we didn't know if she would like it. Well Lexi definitely loved it so next time we will probably opt for those optional prizes.
There were several age groups and Lexi won 1st place in her age group! I went on stage with her during both of her walks and Derek told me she did the best out of the other girls in her group but of course I couldn't see the other girls because we were backstage but he was right! They had some participation trophies for the girls that didn't place and for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd they had bigger trophies, sashes, and tiaras. Alexis got a "Queen" sash, a tiara, a big trophy, and an elephant stuffed animal with a pageant t-shirt on it, the stuffed animal was her favorite part. Since Lexi placed at this pageant she qualifies to be in the year end final pageant in December! We are so proud of our little girl. Derek is so funny, now that he knows she had fun and that she did so well, he is wanting us to find more to put her in before the one in December so she has more practice. I've found a couple but most of them are not all natural and I am completely against putting make up, hair spray and using curling irons and all that. I gotta say there were a lot of wack jobs at this pageant; Moms that were waving and dancing around trying to tell their little ones when to do every move. I saw moms using curling irons on their little 2-5 year olds and to me that is just ridiculous; Way to start ruining your daughter's hair this early. I am fine with using curlers, without the hard plastic, on little girls, but curling irons is too much. Even if we put her in pageants that are not all natural we definitely will not be using make up on Lexi. Here are some pictures of her at the pageant.

A couple of weeks ago I applied for a position that I really want. I had a phone interview and have scheduled a final interview in a couple of weeks. I really really want this job; So hopefully I will have more to say on that in a couple of weeks.
I mentioned last time that I wasn't sure how I felt about Alexis' new daycare. Well I have decided I don't like it very much. I would consider myself to be a daycare veteran at this point, Alexis has been going to daycare for over a year now and she's been to 3 different ones so I am used to things being a certain way. All of the daycares she has been at always gave us a note at the end of the day with what she ate, when she napped, how many times she was changed, if she was happy or not, etc... This daycare doesn't give you any information, they always have a different teacher in her classroom and the classroom set up is kind of all over the place. I loved her last day care the way the classroom was set up all of the kids ate breakfast together at the table, instead of in the kitchen in a high chair. Also her other daycare had a separate playground for the younger kids that was very age appropriate, her new daycare's playground doesn't seem age appropriate. We will definitely be putting her at another daycare once we move to our new place.
Well that is all for now. Enjoy!

This past Saturday we had Alexis' first pageant. The pageant was through Beehive Beauties and it was their American Summer pageant which is an all natural beauty pageant. I'm not into the whole make up thing so I was happy about that. There was a beachwear and themewear segment; For the beachwear we went with a pink bathing suit that had a little tutu on it, she wore pink and green flip flops and her sunglasses I put here hair in pony tails. For the formal wear segment the dress has to be red, white, and blue so we found this cute dress at Gymboree, she wore her white sandals, and I ordered a red, white, and blue headband from etsy with a little rhinestone piece in the middle. This being Lexi's first pageant I was obviously new to everything well you can pay for just the basic entry or you can add or buy a package with additional options, for example they have a program that you can buy and they have a front cover, back cover winner, calendar girl, themewear photo, etc. So if you want you can pay and submit a picture for those and if she wins they put her picture in the program, aside from the picture they already put in, and you get a trophy for that. We decided not to enter her into all of those because it can get expensive and since this was her first pageant we didn't know if she would like it. Well Lexi definitely loved it so next time we will probably opt for those optional prizes.
There were several age groups and Lexi won 1st place in her age group! I went on stage with her during both of her walks and Derek told me she did the best out of the other girls in her group but of course I couldn't see the other girls because we were backstage but he was right! They had some participation trophies for the girls that didn't place and for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd they had bigger trophies, sashes, and tiaras. Alexis got a "Queen" sash, a tiara, a big trophy, and an elephant stuffed animal with a pageant t-shirt on it, the stuffed animal was her favorite part. Since Lexi placed at this pageant she qualifies to be in the year end final pageant in December! We are so proud of our little girl. Derek is so funny, now that he knows she had fun and that she did so well, he is wanting us to find more to put her in before the one in December so she has more practice. I've found a couple but most of them are not all natural and I am completely against putting make up, hair spray and using curling irons and all that. I gotta say there were a lot of wack jobs at this pageant; Moms that were waving and dancing around trying to tell their little ones when to do every move. I saw moms using curling irons on their little 2-5 year olds and to me that is just ridiculous; Way to start ruining your daughter's hair this early. I am fine with using curlers, without the hard plastic, on little girls, but curling irons is too much. Even if we put her in pageants that are not all natural we definitely will not be using make up on Lexi. Here are some pictures of her at the pageant.

A couple of weeks ago I applied for a position that I really want. I had a phone interview and have scheduled a final interview in a couple of weeks. I really really want this job; So hopefully I will have more to say on that in a couple of weeks.
I mentioned last time that I wasn't sure how I felt about Alexis' new daycare. Well I have decided I don't like it very much. I would consider myself to be a daycare veteran at this point, Alexis has been going to daycare for over a year now and she's been to 3 different ones so I am used to things being a certain way. All of the daycares she has been at always gave us a note at the end of the day with what she ate, when she napped, how many times she was changed, if she was happy or not, etc... This daycare doesn't give you any information, they always have a different teacher in her classroom and the classroom set up is kind of all over the place. I loved her last day care the way the classroom was set up all of the kids ate breakfast together at the table, instead of in the kitchen in a high chair. Also her other daycare had a separate playground for the younger kids that was very age appropriate, her new daycare's playground doesn't seem age appropriate. We will definitely be putting her at another daycare once we move to our new place.
Well that is all for now. Enjoy!
Monday, July 1, 2013
We Are Officially Half Way Trough 2013!
Can you believe today is July 1st!?!? I can't. The year has gone by so fast. I guess the older you get the faster time seems to pass. I can't believe I am 26, though it doesn't really feel any different than 25, it still feels weird to think that I am closer to 30 now.
This last week has been very busy and exhausting. I was training most of last week and it was a breeze, since I have worked at the OG before it was really just a refresher. We got to eat lots of food and try some yummy drinks :) Usually when you start serving you get started on 2 tables but myself and another girl that also has served at the OG got to start right away on 3, so that was nice it made a real difference on how I did today. I work dinner shifts the rest of the week and I'm off Friday and Saturday which is nice I just wish that I wasn't working a dinner shift on 4th of July :( but being new that's what happens. I am hoping that it will be really slow and they will phase me out early so that we can go watch some fireworks. Lexi absolutely loves fireworks so I really want to go with her to watch them.
We started Lexi at a new daycare today that is in between our apartment and work since I am not going to be working at the campus in West Valley this coming school year we took her out of the daycare she was at near to that campus. I am going to be at the Draper campus so that's why we were looking for a daycare nearer to where I am going to be. This daycare is smaller and I don't know how I feel about it quite yet since she was just there today but so far it seems pretty nice. For now Lexi will be going there 3 days a week once August rolls around and I have to do training for the school she will be going full time to that same campus or we may find something closer to where we end up moving.
Our lease at this apartment is up in July, we are paying month to month till August so that we can have time to find another place. We keep going back and forth on whether we want to try to buy a house or not. We don't plan to stay here for very long, just long enough for Derek to finish school so part of me thinks that we should still buy a house and not throw our money away but Derek feels like that won't be enough time to make it worth the hassle. Regardless right now we know we are not ready so we are planning on renting a home. Since Derek's company got moved to a building farther south unfortunately we have to move into Utah county, I like Salt Lake County ;), fortunately we are looking in Lehi which is barely into Utah county. Renting a home is going to cost us just as much as our 2 bedroom apartment and we are going to get so much more room and have a yard for Alexis, which is much needed. I am excited to start looking more towards the end of this month.
It has been so ridiculously hot! I hate the heat with a passion. I love the cold. I miss the wonderful San Francisco weather on days like today were it is over 100 degrees. I get off work after the car has been parked in the hot sun and feel like I'm going to melt the second I get in. We kept the apartment nice and cool though ;)and always have ice cold water so it gives me some relief.
My adorable little niece Harlow is turning 1 on the 4th :) I can't believe it! It feels like she was born just yesterday. I am so bummed we can't be there for her birthday; I am happy we got to see her and my family for Lexi's birthday. Hopefully we will be able to make it down there maybe in September.
I gotta say, I am so in love with Alexis. Everyday I am blown away by how much I adore her and how amazing and intelligent she is. I am so humbled by her love for me. There is no feeling in the world that compares to hearing her say "mami" and hearing that love in her voice. I always think back on that first moment we laid eyes on each other and I took a mental photo of it and can still remember how we stared at each other and I knew that she knew who I was. Love at first sight really does exist <3
P.S. Derek and I took Lexi to see Monsters University and she loved it; She kept yelling at the screen lol Really cute movie made me miss college life.
This last week has been very busy and exhausting. I was training most of last week and it was a breeze, since I have worked at the OG before it was really just a refresher. We got to eat lots of food and try some yummy drinks :) Usually when you start serving you get started on 2 tables but myself and another girl that also has served at the OG got to start right away on 3, so that was nice it made a real difference on how I did today. I work dinner shifts the rest of the week and I'm off Friday and Saturday which is nice I just wish that I wasn't working a dinner shift on 4th of July :( but being new that's what happens. I am hoping that it will be really slow and they will phase me out early so that we can go watch some fireworks. Lexi absolutely loves fireworks so I really want to go with her to watch them.
We started Lexi at a new daycare today that is in between our apartment and work since I am not going to be working at the campus in West Valley this coming school year we took her out of the daycare she was at near to that campus. I am going to be at the Draper campus so that's why we were looking for a daycare nearer to where I am going to be. This daycare is smaller and I don't know how I feel about it quite yet since she was just there today but so far it seems pretty nice. For now Lexi will be going there 3 days a week once August rolls around and I have to do training for the school she will be going full time to that same campus or we may find something closer to where we end up moving.
Our lease at this apartment is up in July, we are paying month to month till August so that we can have time to find another place. We keep going back and forth on whether we want to try to buy a house or not. We don't plan to stay here for very long, just long enough for Derek to finish school so part of me thinks that we should still buy a house and not throw our money away but Derek feels like that won't be enough time to make it worth the hassle. Regardless right now we know we are not ready so we are planning on renting a home. Since Derek's company got moved to a building farther south unfortunately we have to move into Utah county, I like Salt Lake County ;), fortunately we are looking in Lehi which is barely into Utah county. Renting a home is going to cost us just as much as our 2 bedroom apartment and we are going to get so much more room and have a yard for Alexis, which is much needed. I am excited to start looking more towards the end of this month.
It has been so ridiculously hot! I hate the heat with a passion. I love the cold. I miss the wonderful San Francisco weather on days like today were it is over 100 degrees. I get off work after the car has been parked in the hot sun and feel like I'm going to melt the second I get in. We kept the apartment nice and cool though ;)and always have ice cold water so it gives me some relief.
My adorable little niece Harlow is turning 1 on the 4th :) I can't believe it! It feels like she was born just yesterday. I am so bummed we can't be there for her birthday; I am happy we got to see her and my family for Lexi's birthday. Hopefully we will be able to make it down there maybe in September.
I gotta say, I am so in love with Alexis. Everyday I am blown away by how much I adore her and how amazing and intelligent she is. I am so humbled by her love for me. There is no feeling in the world that compares to hearing her say "mami" and hearing that love in her voice. I always think back on that first moment we laid eyes on each other and I took a mental photo of it and can still remember how we stared at each other and I knew that she knew who I was. Love at first sight really does exist <3
P.S. Derek and I took Lexi to see Monsters University and she loved it; She kept yelling at the screen lol Really cute movie made me miss college life.
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