Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, Monday, Monday!

So today is my Sunday; I go back to work tomorrow till Saturday. Work has been consuming my life for the last 5 weeks it feels like. I had training for 4 weeks and just had my first week off of training. I go in at 6am-2:30pm. For the last week of training and this past week I have been picking up a ton of extra hours. Since Derek and I carpool because we have only his car, I have to wait for him to get out of work at 5, so I figured there are extra hours I'm going to be here anyway I might as well take them.

The cool thing about the extra hours is I get $5 extra for every hour I pick up, and on top of that depending on when the hours are, certain extra hours come with points. At work they have the normal vacation hours that you would get any where and they also have this awesome points system that you can use to take PTO or just time off. Well I've been picking up a ton of hours and getting extra points for ever hour which is going to make it easy for me to take paid time off in the fall, which I plan to do a bit of. On top of all of that all the extra hours I picked up pushed me into overtime so I will be getting time and a half for those hours that I went over. I am very excited for my check this week. I'm planning on picking up a ton of hours through mid August to try and get us all caught up.

What I should be doing aside from picking up more hours is working out at the gym at work, but I haven't had the money to buy work out clothes and shoes. All of my yoga pants have holes in them and my one pair of running shoes that fit are back in Southern California. I guess the extra hours will help in that department too. Aside from all that, my first week has been pretty good. I love my team and my manager and I'm excited for our upcoming office Olympic events. I swear my job has the coolest contests and events.

Speaking of cool. Last weekend was my work party and it was pretty awesome, sadly though I didn't win anything. I wasn't too surprised because I had won during the health fair. Also at work there is this cool points system called Life 360, where you win $25 gift cards for every 5,000 points you get; The points are for working out, carpooling, eating healthy, checking your credit..etc. Well I got over 5,000 so I got my first $25 gift card last week. Pretty awesome :) Well on top of that I found out last week that I was one of the winners for the Fun in The Sun contest which was the top 15 associates who got the most amount of points between June 18-July 18. I was #14 :) with 6,500 points. So I'm going to get a gift card, not sure for what yet, but I'm pretty stoked. I really love working somewhere that makes working so fun!

Oh yes! Let's talk about Daycare! So Alexis had her first week (4 days) of daycare; She loves it! Derek dropped her off on her first day, since I work at 6am and Derek doesn't go in till 8, he is the one that drops her off and picks her up. Well he sent me a text after he dropped her off that first day and told me how it broke his heart to leave her but that she loved it. It was hard for me that first day to not just be thinking about Alexis the whole day. I asked Derek to pick me up first that day so we could get her together. We walked up to her classroom door and looked in at her and she was so happy, but once she saw us she got all anxious :) Everyday they have this little paper they give us with how many diapers she had changed, how many naps she took and at what time and what she ate and at what time. They also write on there anything we may need to bring in to her, like diapers and such, and if she was happy, sleepy, sad, or fussy that day. She has been perfect all week just super happy to be there. I am so glad that she loves it there.

It's so cute Alexis has come home twice this past week with cute little hairstyles that the teachers have put her in. We always put a clip in her hair so Derek thinks they just like playing with her hair because it's so long. I've been telling Derek I wanted to buy some hair ties so I can start putting her hair up, now that he's seen how cute it is he is into it lol. Alexis won't be going to daycare tomorrow because of Pioneer Day here in Utah, so Derek will be working from home so he can stay home with her.

I found a pediatrician for Alexis! My insurance kicks in August 1st and she is supposed to be having her 15 month appointment at the end of August so I looked up the different pediatricians at the hospital I was looking into and looked up some reviews for a pediatrician I think would be great and I just set up her appointment today! I am so glad that is out of the way because it was stressing me out, not having her appointment ready.

I am getting really excited for the fall. I know it is still July but I can't help but think that fall will be here before we know it. We are planning on going down to Southern California in September. We need to bring all of our stuff up and we want to visit my new little niece :) One of my best friends is also going to be having her baby at the end of August and I can't wait to see her. We are planning on going for Derek's birthday around September 10th, which is also my mom's birthday!

Thinking about Fall coming up has got me thinking about the holidays. I love love love Fall and the holidays being all squished together only makes it that much better. I am excited for Halloween, to dress Alexis up :) I'm hoping we can go down to Southern California for Thanksgiving, there is no one for us to spend Thanksgiving with her and I'd love to be with my family and the new baby :) We are already planning on going to Disneyland for Christmas. I am hoping to stay at a hotel near by and spend a couple of days going to both parks and just hanging out in downtown Disney. I wanted to take Alexis to Disneyland for the first time in October but I am thinking we should just wait till Christmas.

Derek and I have been working our butts off to catch up financially and get everything paid back, hence the extra hours I've been putting in. I think we deserve a break after getting everything paid back so that's where Disneyland comes in :) We are thinking of being here for Christmas Eve, because of course we'll have a tree and I'm going to do a ton of decorating so we'd like to spend Christmas Eve at home we're thinking of either leaving that night or Christmas Day after we open presents that morning. The great thing about flying on Christmas Day is that flights are usually cheap and no one flies on that day; I've had to do it once or twice.

I feel like I should have more to say but right now that's all I can think of. Enjoy!

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