I guess the hours will pay off because next week I finally get to buy some new running shoes :) I finally will be able to start working out again. We have a gym at work, that's free :) and I need to take advantage of that and get back into shape! Here are the cute shoes that keep me going at work <3

I took paid time off the 18th-21st of September to go down to Southern California. Derek has to go down there for work so Alexis and I will be visiting the fam :) I have never been this excited to go home. It's probably because of all the little babies we get to spend time with! I don't work Sundays or Mondays and since I took off Tues-Friday paid, Derek wants us to leave Saturday after I get off work so we'll be down there 6 days and then I will come back and work Saturday and have 2 more days off, yay for that!
Derek will be going to some work meetings/presentation/convention things in different parts of Southern California. Alexis and I will spend time with my parents and my best friends :) We get to meet Alexis' little cousin Harlow for the first time! Also one of my best friends little girl Aubrey :)
We plan to go to the L.A. County fair while we are down there, we went while I was pregnant :) lol well I was technically about a week pregnant ;) I am excited to go! Also I get to go on a mini shopping spree; Alexis is almost outgrown all of her clothes, so we get to go shopping. I have been "window" shopping online. So far these are some of the outfits I want to get her.
There are a ton of other cute outfits I saw at Carters last time we were there so I'm excited to go shopping with Amandalyn :) We are keeping it to a mini shopping spree since we want to wait till October to go winter clothes shopping for Alexis. We bought her a new jacket today. Daycare let us know she needed a jacket, the last one she had doesn't fit her anymore and we hadn't bought her a new one since it is summer time. The jacket is pink, gray, and has some purple, it's so cute <3
I'm also excited to get Lexi her Halloween costume. I definitely want to get it in early to mid September, I remember last year we got her costume in the beginning of October and the one we wanted was gone :( I want her to be a bumble bee, Derek doesn't really care. I would also like her to be a lady bug lol so we'll see.
Well that is it for now. Enjoy ;)
P.S. Alexis has her 10th tooth coming in! It's her 2nd molar, ep!
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